Eat, Blog, Love: How I stopped waiting, and started doing

Two years ago I made a fundamental shift in my life. I decided to stop waiting for things to happen to me and decided to start doing them. Life is short, and I wanted to be the woman who lived life to it’s fullest instead of wishing things would just turn out in my favor. It’s a simple concept in theory, but to practice it day after day can seem impossible. Where do you even begin?

For me, it all started with putting my thoughts into actions. Ok, it came with a lot of tension, second guesses, and half starts. But one day I just did it, I bought a domain and started a blog. A food blog to be exact, because I love food, and more importantly I love chasing a good experience. Part of finding success is discovering what makes you light up, what’s your passion?

It was through this blog that the world began to open up around me, I found self-confidence, friendships, happiness, adventure, and it gave me an identity to move through life with.

This is a story of harnessing self-motivation, discovering your passion, and leveraging WordPress to propel you into living your absolute best life today. Don’t wait, join me!


WordCamp Austin 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!