Stop Guessing: Diagnosing & Fixing WordPress Performance in Production

Diagnosing WordPress performance issues without the proper tools is like searching for buried treasure on the beach without a metal detector. You can spend hours without actually figuring out what’s really going on, and drive yourself mad at the same time.

Everyone’s got a suggestion and an idea for how to fix your performance issues. Disable this plugin, try this, try that … usually just guesses, and not based on real data.

STOP GUESSING. If you have a performance issue, or just want to make your site faster, you need to KNOW exactly what is going on with your actual, live site in production. Once you are using the right tools, you will be amazed at what you can see, and how quickly you can figure out what is really going on.

We’ll talk about how to use New Relic to monitor your WordPress site in production, and use it to diagnose both server-side and browser & location based performance issues. We’ll look at the WordPress-specific tools that New Relic provides for analyzing server-side performance in terms of plugins, your theme, and WordPress hooks.


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