Cover Your Assets: WordPress Accessibility Images, Videos

Whether you are a beginner or not, most WordCampers know what an image ALT tag is or have seen closed captions on our television shows or YouTube videos. But the majority of you reading this STILL skip these critical first steps in making your client or personal WordPress sites accessible and perform markedly better.

In this interactive WordCamp online presentation, we’ll also cover the basics:

– What the first 4:44 seconds of the Lion King can teach us about accessibility
-How to find WordPress themes and plugins to get you started on being accessible right “out of the box”
– How to avoid generating creating “craptions” and tools to improve YouTube’s auto-captioning
– How, as a beginner, how you handle images and videos in a more mobile-first world can improve your site performance in SEO ranking
– How accessibility is often seen as an inconvenience but actually enhances your website performance if done correctly
