Great Hall Games

We started in 1998 as a shoppe named Great Hall Games & Distractions at Texas Renaissance Faires. Hence the name harkening back to days of olde. The Great Halls in European castles were places where people gathered to talk, play games, eat, or be entertained. We were vendors at several Renaissance Faires in central Texas for 5 years (1998-2002).

With games for the Renaissance Faires taking up the entire dining room of our home, we decided it was time for either a storage locker or a store. In late August of 2000, we opened a small shop in the lower level of Dobie Mall for Rob’s August birthday. In July 2001, we moved to a larger store on the food court level of the mall for our July wedding anniversary. We continued with the Renaissance Faire for two years while maintaining a shop in the mall. In June 2004, we moved to a larger location at 5501 N Lamar in Austin.

Although we have been away from the Renaissance Faires for many years, we still enjoy offering traditional and historically based games. We like to carry games in which players can touch the game pieces, hear the clicking or tapping sounds as pieces are moved, or view the the artistic beauty of a game. We also want to offer situations where one can see the sweat on a brow, a gleam in the eyes, a smirk or tweak of a grin, a nervous tick, or even drumming fingers. Things which you can’t really experience through on-line gaming!