Good Morning from WordCamp- The Plenary

This is where we'll be kicking it off in a few minutes

This is where we’ll be kicking it off in a few minutes

Word Camp ATX is a Go!.

Attendees are spilling in, you can see the usual geek conference stuff.

Some run for coffee, some prepare their first post, others Instagram away.

The thing that makes is all different is the venue, Austin Baptist Church Campus.

Finally an excuse to give meaning to our overuse of terms like Evangilst and Follower.

We have come to hear a different Word, but it should be life-changing nonetheless.




One thought on “Good Morning from WordCamp- The Plenary

  1. Shelly K.

    Good One, Fernandez…about ‘We have come to hear a different Word…”. It was an absolutely amazing venue. I was thinking OMG! and I really meant it. Thanks for blogging throughout the day.

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